THE GRAND ILLUSION: Hoping for the Best is Not a Strategy. Not seeing the big picture is a Liability. It's all about the truth.
Why would the Elites Help Solve the Problems they Purposely Created? We Don't Have a Crystal Ball, but we do have The Truth.
As usual, they fool with us with something we all bite on, while they push a much more insidious agenda — Dr. Todd Kennebrew
I often hit acquaintances with whom I get into a philosophical conversation with the question, “is there are reason for your existence, or, are we living in the midst of one big, prodigious happenstance?”
I am a strong believer in the former.
Many are simply drooling and snorting thru life as if they were Hunter Biden cooking-up dreams with his crack pipe.
I recently read an article in which blogger Jo Nova explained that the 217-year-old science publisher, Wiley Publishing, was forced to “shut down 19 science journals and retract 11,000 gobbledygook papers”. Nova said that these were results not from a specific scam, but from the $30 billion academic journal industry in decline. Oh.
Personally, I attempt to do my research honestly and fairly. When I find new information, it’s in my DNA to attribute credit where it is due. Why would organizations such as Wiley behave with such reckless abandon? Well, here’s the formula: When the Financial Incentive is greater than the character of the players involved, the system breaks.
The system is beyond broken.
Remember when Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Our tendency at that particular time was to give the government the benefit of doubt when mistakes were made. We now are creeping into our 80th year since the allied victory in WW2. There is no more benefit of doubt to be given by those of us who aren’t on the take.
Stick a fork in us. We are done.
Our government has been hijacked by our 3-letter agencies, who have been running our country into the ground ever since this post-WW2 cycle began agitating. Where are the people of integrity?
President John F. Kennedy was vehemently against starting new wars and meddling in other countries’ affairs. He was dead-set against sending more troops to Indochina. The President was furious at the CIA and their Bay-of-Pigs disaster. Kennedy held meetings regarding tightening the screws on the CIA—the very week they assassinated him. They needed to remove Kennedy and install their deep-state puppet, Lyndon Johnson. By the end of Johnson’s first full term, we had marshaled 350,000 of our youth to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia and embarked on the Great Society, which changed us forever. Of course the Warren Commission, who investigated the assassination of JFK in 1964, was full of traitors and liars as well. The CIA now openly admits that then-CIA director John McCone was part of the coverup. Then-Representative later-President, Gerald Ford, admitted before his death that he was the FBI’s spy on the Warren Commission. Former CIA chief and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo convinced President Donald Trump not to release the CIA notes on the Kennedy assassination (even after Congress, in 1992, mandated their release in 2017) because of “national security” issues. I don’t care what Mike Pompeo professes to be; he is a traitor for the deep-state. He and his brethren have repeatedly lied to us at will in order to save the neck of the cabal. Here’s what Judge Andrew Napolitano dared to say about it (in a conversation with the President):
"I said, you know you made a promise to the public many times — and to me privately — that you haven't kept. 'What, what? I'll take care of it right now.' I said, 'you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.' He said to me, 'Judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released it either,'" Napolitano recalled. "And I said, 'who's they? What did they show you?' And then he said, 'Judge, someday when we're on the phone, and then he raised his voice, and there aren't 15 people listening to the phone call — back to a normal voice — I'll tell you.'"
The deep-state assassinated JKF, RFK, and likely Martin Luther King. No one has been held accountable to date. We have been publicly psychologically programmed and groomed to accept this. They are not in place to protect us. They protect the deep-state cabal. They are the deep-state cabal.
Remember how we were all grateful for the development of the COVID vaccine, only to retrospectively see that the virus was a gene-spliced mutation developed and implemented by evil tyrants. Remember how the US Government attempted to pawn-off all responsibility for the pandemic to China, who in-turn tried to push blame onto the Wuhan market as it was soon discovered the US government secretly funded the Chinese lab? Does this not prove collaboration between the US and Chinese? What has been done about it? Absolutely nothing.
Literally hundreds of fat-cat billionaires were created via these vaccines as we saw healthy people who received them falling over dead as they played soccer, strolled down the sidewalks, or gave briefings at press conferences. Let’s not forget that ‘we the people’ funded 100% of this. Last week, in testimony before Congress, former top advisor to Anthony Fauci, Dr. David Morens, was hammered by Democrats and Republicans alike on the Select Subcommittee on the Covid-19 origins. As they openly read through Dr. Morens’ emails, it was succinctly revealed that he perjured himself and obstructed justice (by deleting emails) in order to keep the FOIA requests diverted and Anthony Fauci shielded from investigation. Will there be repercussions for psychopath Fauci? Of course not (probably not in this life, but I sure would hate to be the postmortem Anthony Fauci).
Meanwhile, Trump Advisor Peter Navarro remains in Federal Prison for obstruction. Rules for thee, but not for me.
Oh, have you seen the Delegations of US Senators, Democratic and Republican, who routinely and often eagerly fly together to China to observe their “investments and special interests.”? Yes, I kid you not.
Are you aware that the world’s largest economy and the world’s reserve currency is managed expressly by the 400 PhD’s employed by the US Federal Reserve. They play whack-a-mole with the economy, tweaking and testing relentlessly to ensure nothing gets out-of-hands with their endless money printing. These people genuinely believe they can thread the needle perfectly to keep the 340 million people in the dark, and keep the fat cats in the military-industrial complex, cogent.
All of these politicians need to be infused with a simethicone slow-drip so they can release their hot air and all related bull hockey (I sincerely doubt there would be anything left of them). Maybe THAT will end the 42-year-old seemingly sacrosanct yet preposterous scam called Global Warming/Climate Change.
Two weeks ago, you read my satirical take. This week?—the remainder of the straight story of 2024:
On January 19, 2024, officials from Fulton County Georgia openly admitted in Judge Scott McAfee’s Superior Court that NONE of the 145,000 absentee ballots from the 2020 Presidential Election were signature verified.
I’m obviously not intelligent enough to comprehend, so will someone please tell me why, at that precise moment, an effort wasn’t made by every single one of our elected officials, including Judge Scott McAfee, the Governor of this State, the State Legislature, and other complicit politicians to dissolve and dismiss all charges against the remaining 14 defendants in the Fulton RICO case. This one fact invalidated the 2020 election in Georgia <Meanwhile, Judge Scott McAfee gets re-elected last week with complete and total support of Governor Brian Kemp.> This is the same Governor Kemp and one of a very few Republican governors who has yet to openly support Trump in 2024. Kemp said on May 19th he would support “the ticket”. I suppose this means he will continue to do what he does best: obfuscate, and straddle the fence. I can’t help but believe a day of reckoning is coming for all treasonous participants of the 2020 steal. I believe it because I believe the truth will prevail.
On May 7th, the Georgia State Election Board punished Fulton County officials with a slap on the wrist as it was revealed minutes earlier over 380,000 ballot images were missing as thousands of duplicates were counted as well, in the November 3, 2020 election. Miraculously, at precisely the same hour on May 7th, Governor Brian Kemp just happened to sign and release the three election integrity bills passed by the State Legislature 39 days earlier. Uncanny!
How did the media cover it the next day? The fabulous Governor of this State, Brian Kemp, signed three election integrity bills. Rah Rah! Three cheers for Brian Kemp from one side, as the Democrats weakly protested on the other side—the entire process being kabuki theater.
Oh wait! The most important items in these bill won’t go into effect until after the 2024 election. Oh well, that wonderful Governor of ours sure tried very hard, didn’t he? Hogwash.
Are you saying that the officials that charged the 14 defendants are actually the ones that committed these crimes of criminal conspiracy/racketeering by falsely charging those 14 defendants with RICO crimes? Yes, I am. Most definitely. Take it to the bank. Why would this not be clear as a bell to any casual observer?
Not to mention—people are actually walking the contours of this country stating that the only way to win this coming election is for Republicans to garner enough votes to overcome the cheating and the illegal immigrant votes by the other side. HAVE WE LOST OUR COTTON-PICKING MINDS?
Yet the politicians who claim to support us, do nothing. And what did we do last week? We re-elected most of them. Why? No, seriously—Why? Why are we not paying attention to reality? It is The Grand Illusion.
If you’re rearing a family, you must rightly focus on them as much as you can. Kudos to those who do. I understand. But it is time for the rest of America to stop the partying. Stop the living high on the hog; fix our country and fix it now. I work with many who are working their fingers to the bone to stop this criminal destruction and repair the damage.
Make your voice heard! Time is quickly evaporating.
Mark my words, folks. It is clear that the shysters who run our country will not be satisfied until they gain total control over us by running this country straight into the ground. If Joe Biden gets re-elected, it will have meant that we did not fight for our country with enough raw grit and guts. We must defeat the criminal cabal. Is it that our ‘hope for the best’ clouds our judgement? It shouldn’t. We must hope for the best, and yet be laser-focused-realists about what needs to be done to save us from what appears to be imminent destruction.
Sources tell me that China just completed a massive military exercise that included a rehearsed blockade of Taiwan as thousand of Taiwanese line up to protest a “parliamentary coup” led by the pro-China KMT party. Have you heard this on your morning or evening news? Of course not.
The cabal is currently using American-made missiles to attack Russia. How long do you think this can continue before WW3 ignites? Have we not figured it out? The Deep-State cabal wants war, and they want it soon. And oh, Isn’t it about time to initiate operation Bird Flu?
Are you scared? It’s time to focus on removing the evil the surrounds us. Because that is what it appears to be: Pure evil.
Don’t be scared. Get downright angry. Become driven, peacefully jump in, and make a difference! Direct your ire towards the cabal and the evil, insane, and corrupt media.
Don’t be fooled by the ‘radio, the TV, or the magazines’. They own them all. Six global conglomerates own all, including your local news.
We have endless wars, endless money printing, a complete breakdown of morals in the society, zero law and order, the next pandemic arriving soon, no borders to our country, and totally corrupt politicians to boot. The January 6th Nancy Pelosi/FBI scam, the January 6th CIA-planted pipe bombs (yes, we factually know this!)…..United Nations Agenda 21, the World Economic Forum, Davos, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, AND…..a pedophile President, his criminal deviant son, and his wife, the first lady, ‘Docta’ Jill Biden, who is so intelligent and full of integrity that she willfully submitted her doctoral dissertation filled with grammatical errors. A daughter, who wrote in her diary that her daddy, President Pedophile, enjoyed taking showers with her when she was young. These people are the very definition of evil.
What the HELL is wrong with us allowing these criminal vermin to steal our elections and ruin our country?
For those who believe this situation will get better on it own volition, may God have mercy on you and your way of thinking.
Be bold. Be smart and driven. Love much. Work to eliminate the evil that surrounds us. Trust God (this is NOT a license to be lazy!). Accept no substitute for the truth.
The Grand Illusion
Welcome to the Grand illusion
Come on in and see what's happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star.
But don't be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs of how your life should be
But they're just someone else's fantasy
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because your neighbors got it made
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...
America spells competition, join us in our blind ambition
Get yourself a brand new motor car
Someday soon we'll stop to ponder what on Earth's this spell we're under
We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are
—Dennis DeYoung
A special thanks to Sam Carnline and Field Searcy for fighting the good fight!
You covered a lot of ground there Tim….WAKE UP AMERICA….WAKE UP GEORGIA !!! As for Me and Field….we’re in it to WIN….like the “Greatest Generation” there is no other choice.
Awesome article! You are exposing the untruthful works of darkness (eph.5:11)!!Thank you Tim for all you do. Tom.