Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? To read that our under-funded SEB has to use SOS investigators (i.e. Raffensperger's Praetorian Guard) is just...ugh, disheartening beyond words. It is truly no different than having DOJ investigators "investigate" charges of grift and malfeasance against Joe Biden. Sadly, Matt Mashburn is a dolt, and about as much a "Republican" as Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney. As for Raffy the Rat, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that our Canadian-born SOS maintains a secret alliance with the slimy Rat King of the North (aka Klaus Schwab Fanboy, Justin Trudeau); Raffensperger is the worst thing to happen to Georgia since William Tecumseh Sherman - though at least Sherman was on the side of those fighting to end slavery. Raffenspergfer and his Big Tech globalist cronies would make New World Order subjects of us all. There has to be some serious dirt on someone so slimy, deceitful and deceptive; if only we had a media...

So, back to Juvenal's query, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" Sadly, in the new Banana Republic of America, the answer is clear: Only the watchers enjoy that privilege.

P.S. Thank you, Tim. Thank you, Hank Sullivan. Thank you, Joe Rossi, Kevin Moncla and Jack James. You noble gentlemen are fighting the good fight for all Americans and are the truest of patriots.

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Well said, Vincent. Thank you!

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Great article Tim! Finally, someone who understands the circus has written about the facts! When I read that SEB25 was pulled from the agenda, the first thing that came to mind was that it was pulled because quite likely, the investigation wasn't as thorough as it should have been. Whether my guess is true or not, we will hopefully find out eventually. So many cases lack even the basics of any investigation and this one is a whopper that must get it right.

You are the first one to call it like it really is, they can't afford to let the truth come out about 2020 as the entire narrative would collapse along with many political careers. The SOS may not have been willing to look for the 11,000 + votes but Joe Rossi and Kevin Moncla did and found them and a whole lot more in just 1 county. They are hero's and great American's.

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Amen to Rossi and Moncla, Debbie! Thank you for your support.

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Tell it all, Brother Tim . I’ve been praying for you and all of you s Grassrooters since we’ve met; now let’s pray for those “rascals” Ephesians 4:7-16 can guide your actions appropriately. 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you, brother. Appreciate the prayers!

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I’ll be watching every bit of the proceedings barring any snafus that Vimeo comes up with. Thank you for your diligence, and I look forward to hearing all the public comments, including yours. The fact that it has taken THREE YEARS to get to this point is disgraceful, to say the least. And by the way, I’d like to know just what those reasons are that Ms. McGowan feels gives her office of SOS the ability to shut down “any investigation.” Perhaps Mr. Mashburn can tell us tomorrow what reasons there were for the board to pull the case from the agenda, reclassify it as “continued”, and just how long it can/ will stay in that status.

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Thank you for reading, Enid. Thank you for standing strong!

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Outstanding work. Thank you for fact checking the fact checkers. They need to hear you and Joe loud and clear. Not going away until you explain the discrepancy. Praying for you and Joe and the grassroots campaign. Let freedom ring and the truth prevail.

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Much appreciated, brother!

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Awesome job, Tim! Now I'm up to speed.

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Much appreciated, Hank! Thank you for the recommendation.

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